Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17

Leaving one family
For the other
And yet
The one I need the most
Is with neither
Because love can travel any distance
And sometimes you have to be content with
Once a year reunions
But when people are gone
In a permanent sense
When they aren't even a body rotting beneath us
Or ashes resting in a urn
When they have met and left with death
How do you soothe your heart
Of such absence?
How do you tell yourself
That the one you love the most
Will no longer sit next to you
At the dining table?
Or make your favorite dishes?
Or believe in you
No matter how hard it is to do so?
How do you soothe an aching heart
When the one person who can
Left with no warning
Left so suddenly, so unexpectedly?
And so today
Here I am
Inbetween places
When all I want to be is with you

(For Athamma, on her birthday)

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