Thursday, July 14, 2016


It began like a bruise
Turning my skin
Slightly blue or brown
It’s difficult to say
When you are already so
And the light thud of pain
Seemed to rhyme perfectly
With the beat of my heart
And so I kept stretching
The bruised skin
Until slowly…
There was blood
And it hurt when I splashed water on it
In an attempt to clean myself
Remove the grime and sweat
That collected throughout the day
And then scabs
Little brown dots
That I picked at because
They itched and reminded me
Of there tiny existence on my skin
And so I scratched the bruised area
Of my skin
Until there was a wound, and blood
Flowed freely
Like when my body told me
I wasn’t with child
Like when my body told me
I was no longer a child
And now the wound is infected
Like a piercing from a shabby parlor
And pain shoots through me
And it is only minuscule compared to
The pain you left me with

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