Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dear god

Dear god

They say you created man
Each and every human being
Some you created dark, others fair
Some thin, others fat
Some male, others female

But as soon as a human is gay
As soon as a human is something
They have zero control over
Suddenly, that human isn't your creation anymore?
Suddenly, that human is sinful and satan's creation?

You are painted as the most merciful and forgiving
And yet, you refuse to let in one of your own creations into heaven
Even though he has never sinned
Never killed
Or lied
Never hurt a fly

If you are a god who discriminates and hates
I'd rather not be on your team
If your heaven is open to sinners who ask for forgiveness for things they chose to do
But closed to humans who have no control over who they are
Then I'd rather head straight to hell

Dear god
This world doesn't need anymore
Religious rules and texts
That can be quoted and misquoted
We don't need anymore
Places of worship
With bells and candles and prayer mats
We don't need anymore practices
And rituals that will prove
Just how much faith we have

Dear god
What we need is peace
The right to be ourselves
A world where we can be happy
It's not much to ask for
So maybe it's time for you to
Answer a few prayers.

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