Wednesday, December 23, 2015


You tell me to stop being a pain in the ass
And so I apologize
And disappear
And be one with the shadows
So that no more do you have to
Put up with me
And yes, it's just that easy for me
To disappear

But what you forget is
How I never told you to go away
Whenever you remembered me
After days, weeks, of forgetting
And then too,
Only because you needed something from me

What you forget is
How I never refused to listen to you
When you needed someone to talk to
And no one else,
None of your friends
Had time for you

What you forget is
How I stood by you
Through everything in life
Even though,
Not once did you notice me
Unless you needed someone
And all you had was me

But it's okay,
I understand
Some of us just aren't enough
We are too ordinary
So plain
And so we disappear
As soon as someone commands us to
And we don't mind
Because we are used to it
After years and years
Of being told
We are a pain in the ass

You aren't the first to tell me
And I know
You won't be the last to tell me
I'm a nuisance

But since we are talking firsts
You may also want to know that

You won't be the first
Or the last
To realize
Only when it is too late
Just how much
You needed me


  1. Gosh...right to the heart..right there with a hundred million needle points...
