Monday, August 26, 2013


Nangi, you aren't looking.
There, right there
It's a constellation
Point your finger toward the sky
Your arm stretched
Like my arm.
Now slowly and carefully
Follow my finger,
Trace the stars with me
And unveil what it hides
The bear maybe,
Isn't that your favorite
Or is it the scorpion?
Trace the stars
And I will tell you a story.
A deep dark secret

You see, Nangi,
Once there was a constellation
There was a mother star,
A father star,
Three child stars
One day the mother star left
For the desert lands
She had to light up the sandy acres
You mayn't understand
But the mother star had to
Work hard to keep
Her family happy
So the constellation was missing a star
But they went on
Then the father star left too
He was needed elsewhere
Understand this, my dear,
You are too young, I know
But he didn't go to kill
Even though that's what
The other kids say
No, the father star went to
Fight for his country
But he's yet to come home
Like one of the child stars
He stepped on something bad
And he blew out
The way all stars do at the end.
But he blew out at too young an age.

The two star constellation
Was lost, alone and scared
They stopped being a constellation
Of their own
And instead joined this constellation
And that constellation
Until, there was no where else to go
But no matter what happened
No matter how hard times got
The brother star
Never stopped loving
The sister star
And the sister star never
Left her brother's side
And even when the dark was
So incredibly dark,
They kept shining,
They didn't let the world
Pull them apart
Nangi, the story doesn't end there
Our stories are too long
And too unique
To say it all at once.
But remember,
Don't let the night sky scare you
And don't let the bright sky
Blind you
Nangi, don't leave the constellation
It may be difficult to stay,
But it's even worse to leave.

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