Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

What is Christmas for the poor man
Who cannot afford a Sunday Best
Or Christmas tree, gifts for his
Little ones who so fiercely believe in
Santa Claus?

What is this season of joy for the broken hearted
Who has been robbed of hope
And cannot fake a smile for the
Photographer’s capture of
The season’s true meaning?

What is this just-around-the-corner new beginning
When one is torn between
Political drama and promises of
Reduced prices, better houses and
Freedoms that will never be theirs?

What is the use of celebration
When there is nothing to celebrate
But the loss of life, of friendships,
Memories forgotten and
Lack of kindness?

What is this commercialized holiday
That was once a day of birth and prayer
To the mind that is skeptical
Of any higher being in this
Pitiful, miserable world?

What is the use of gifts, poems and wishes
Season’s greetings
When we can’t stop pointing fingers
And reconcile without
Pretending to accept and understand?

What is the meaning of ‘Merry Christmas’
Said in cheery voice, laced with wine and cake
When there is nothing merry about the days
But deaths occurring too frequently and
Winds blowing away houses, hope and faith?

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