Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Everything you ever desired...

What if I told you
Everything you ever dreamed of
And everything you'll ever dream of
All your wants and needs
Are stored in a small box
Waiting to be found by you?
And what if I told you
This box is eternal
And only contains goodness
There is no evil
Lurking in the corners?
What if I told you
The journey to the box
Wouldn't be easy
But it certainly wouldn't kill you

Would you want to set on a journey
To find this wooden box?

Let me describe it to you
It's a deep brown, almost black
Polished well
On it is painted your name
In the most beautiful letters
One melting into the other
And if you listen closely
You'll hear the box
Sing your name
On the sides are your favorite things
Flowers or words
Anything your heart desires
In the colors that define you
And at the bottom
Even though, and especially since, people rarely look at that side
Is the truth of the universe
Every secret it has held

There are conditions however
Just a few
Let me tell them to you
And then
You can decide

The journey isn't easy
But I've already told you
There won't be any dragons or
One eyed monsters
Nothing of that sort
But during this journey
You'll have to face
What you dislike the most
People you hate
Situations you fear
Emotions you run away from
Anything and everything
That brings displeasure to you
Will await you
On this journey
But don't worry
They will never kill you
I can guarantee that
At least for now
No one has ever died

Your dreams and desires shouldn't cause
Harm to anyone else
If they do
And you fight the force of the box
You will get what you desire
Depending on the pain that will be inflicted
On the other
A storm will dance through your life
Thunder and lightning
Heavy rains
But it will all depend on the pain
You inflict on another
You decide if you want a
Or a

Once you start the journey
Once you take the first step
You will be alone
You will have your thoughts
But there will be no one
You can take with you
You'll be alone
And once you begin the journey
You can't turn back
You must go on
With each step forward
The path behind you
Will disappear
There's no going back
You can only go forward

You will not be given this opportunity again. Decide now
I'll give you a few second
Until the sand
Swims to the other side
Of this hourglass
That measures seconds
Rather than hours
You are at your strongest now
You may find it hard to believe
But you will never be as strong
This is why I have come to you
With this offer
Accept or decline
You decide

You will not die during the journey

That is all
So tell me
Have you made up your mind?

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