Tuesday, August 26, 2014

clutter and chaos

He looks at her through
Stacks of books
Piles of paper
Ink stains on inkless pens
Crumbs on table
Unwashed mug
Messy desk
Cluttered drawers
Books and novels
So much chaos

And he complains that
She should behave like a girl
Tidy her table
Wash her mug
Wipe away the crumbs
Throw away the used notebooks
And pens that are no longer usable

She smiles and laughs
Sometimes apologizes
Makes an effort to
Tidy up, be more lady-like
She throws away paper
No longer needed
Puts away books
Once read and enjoyed
Washes her mug
Even uses soap

And then the pens, paper, books, crumbs
Pile up on her desk
Once again
And sticky notes that once carried
Message, important
Fall to ground, softly, unnoticed
He shakes his head
Why can’t she change for good?
And this time, she doesn’t even bother to
Pretend she has turned over a new leaf
And doesn’t wash mug or throw away paper
Or tidy up the drawers that cannot even be shut

For the clutter around her
Isn’t just a mess she made
But a part of her
Like her messy, unkempt hair
Scattered thoughts
And mismatched words
She is a girl of
Unwashed mug
Crumb-scattered table
She is a collector of
Notebooks covered in words and doodles
Pens long empty of ink
Post-its that carry once important messages
She is a girl of clutter and chaos

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