Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What were you like?

What were you like,
When you were my age?
Do you see your self
When you look at me?
Did you smile at the world
Even though, you wanted to cry?
Did you keep your feelings bottled up?
Did you turn to word, written
Instead of word, spoken?
Were you constantly looking for answers
Knowing the answers would only disappoint?

What were you like,
When you were my age?
Are the similarities
Only in hair, features, looks?
Or do they go beyond that
To feelings, thoughts and preferences?


  1. I never knew you, OR the fact that you are such a good writer. Great work, Shailee... I am glad Rochelle invited me to contribute to your blog. I don't feel I have not met you because I see you in what you write and they are lovely-they are honest. Keep up the good work. I am glad I met you-online :)

    1. Hi!
      Glad to have met you too, and it's great having you on board. Thank you for the amazing comments, they really mean a lot to me.
